Saturday, April 9, 2011

Dream Manifesto: What Is It?

Dream Manifesto is an easy-to-use software, a tool, that's designed to remind you of what your current dreams and goals are, on a set schedule. The frequent reminders of those dreams and goals cause them to be etched into your subconscious mind. As this occurs, your mind begins to constantly formulate ways for you to achieve exactly what you desire, when you desire it.

The subsconscious mind's realm of the human's thought process is becoming more and more understood and the potential power of the subconscious mind is no longer being denied. Again, the frequent reminders via Dream Manifesto causes your subconscious mind to focus on creating a plan of success for yourself, your body to actualize and make a reality.

The Dream Manifesto software application will guide you through the dream builder process step-by-step. The choice is yours as to which graphics/images and templates you use; you may use the pre-loaded ones or you may use your own. You can add a voice reminder, as well, if you'd like to. The templates are designed according to quantum physics principles in order to inspire you in the best way. The image(s) and sound aide you by appealing to your senses. All of this helps you get a clear image of exactly what you desire to achieve, in your mind.